Customer services

We're here to help you get the best from your home

How can we help?

Report a repair
Pay your rent
Contact us


Pay your rent and other charges online, over the phone or in person


Report a repair and find out more about repairs

Confidential support

Get access to a range of free, confidential help and support

My tenancy

Find out more about your rights and responsibilities

Home improvements

Find out changes you can make to your home

Keeping you safe

Important information to help you stay safe.

Money, benefits and energy advice

Financial support and help with your benefits


Information for customers who own part or all of their home

Do it online

Pay it, report it, sort it - do it all on our online portal

Feedback and complaints

Give us feedback about our services

Anti-social behaviour

Find out what we can do to help

Moving home

Looking to move home? Find out how we can help