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Find out how we’ve been tackling anti-social behaviour at Citizen as part of ASB Awareness Week

This week is Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) awareness week which highlights the impact ASB has on people as well as how it can be addressed.

At Citizen we know that experiencing ASB can be worrying and unsettling which is why we’re committed to doing everything we can to act and are encouraging everyone to report it.

In the last year across all our areas, noise nuisance was the biggest ASB complaint we received.

We also visited our customers 9,672 times in relation to ASB and have had success with:

  • Serving 50 notices seeking possession
  • Secured 24 injunctions
  • Achieved 44 possession orders

Teamwork with the police and other agencies is a huge part of tackling ASB. Through our partnerships we have recently secured closure orders against a house in Jardine Crescent, Coventry, which was believed to be occupied by drug dealers. Orders were also secured against homes in Pioneer House and Thomas King House which had been reported to the police over anti-social behaviour and cuckooing (where vulnerable people are exploited by criminals – usually drug dealers – so they can use their homes).

In particular our Coventry concierge team and neighbourhood officer Tracy Hill worked with police to gather a substantial amount of evidence so ASB closure orders in Faulkner House could be granted.

These orders are in place to reduce the annoyance for customers living at Faulkner House who are experiencing high volumes of non-resident access, drug use and drug dealing. Our safer neighbourhoods officer Rachel Slater is also pursuing possession of one of the properties following a breach of the original order.

In nearby Hillfields we have been tackling ASB by working with the police and to recognise our partnership work, concierge team leader Richard Perry, neighbourhood officer Tracey Donoghue, safer neighbourhoods officer Rachel Slater, neighbourhood manager Kelly Lewis and the concierge team have been nominated for a West Midlands Police Excellence Award.

The nomination recognises the work they have carried out to give police information and intelligence to target individuals.

Head of Neighbourhood Services at Citizen, Pauline McKenzie-Brown said: “Thank you to all of you at Citizen who have worked hard to tackle anti-social behaviour across our communities and congratulations to everyone who has been nominated for the West Midlands Police Excellence Award.

“At Citizen we are supporting Anti-social Behaviour Awareness Week and one of the keyways we tackle ASB is by working with our key partners including West Midlands Police.

“We are committed to strengthening these relationships to continue to deal with issues that impact our customers, and we will support them to resolve the issues in the neighbourhood.

“We think West Midlands Police for the action they have taken in recent months and we’re encouraging our residents who are suffering from anti-social behaviour to contact us and the police.”

Crimestopppers are also hosting an event on Friday 7 July for anyone in the community to attend and find out more. It’s taking place at The Lozells Methodist Centre – Community Centre (163 Jerard St, Lozells, Birmingham B19 2AH) from 2pm-5pm.

For media enquiries contact our Communications Team.

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