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Our Asset Management Team shared energy efficiency best practice at the NHF Conference

Our Asset Management Team took part in a session at the National Housing Federation Conference and shared details of our energy efficiency project plans.

People who attended the session were shown our social housing decarbonisation works on properties in Lawrence Sanders Road, Coventry, so they could see the progress that is being made on the homes.

We are currently working to improve energy efficiency of homes in Coventry thanks to funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

This is a pot of money that has been made available by the Government to improve the energy performance of social housing. The works will improve the energy efficiency of our homes in Coventry that have an energy performance certificate (ECP) rating below C.

As part of the £2.4m project we will receive £1.1m in Government funding to fit external wall insulation to 95 homes as well as installing energy efficient doors and windows, increased loft insulation and improving ventilation to reduce the potential for mould growth as part of wave one funding.

Our Asset Manager Adam Denny said: “We were delighted to be asked to share our energy efficiency plans with other housing associations at the NHF Conference. It was also an opportunity to give some insight into how we successfully bid for, and secured, the funding.

“The panel session included delegates from housing associations and social housing residents too. It was a fantastic opportunity to share our plans with peers and to receive such positive feedback on the work we are doing to improve the energy efficiency of our homes. Being an example of best practice was brilliant!”

Adam added that the team worked very closely with Coventry City Council to prepare and submit the bid which was granted earlier this year.

Adam said: “As a housing association we could not apply directly for funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. We could only access funding if a joint bid was submitted with the local authority.

“We are looking forward to working with Coventry City Council, other housing associations and local authorities from areas we have homes, in bidding for further funding in the future and delivering schemes to help towards improving the energy efficiency of homes and tackling climate change in the region.”

For media enquiries contact our Communications Team.

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