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Our regeneration plans for Ferrers Close in Coventry will create more energy efficient homes

We’re planning to regenerate Ferrers Close in Coventry and we’re working with customers to gather their feedback on plans to improve the area by providing more modern homes.

There are three blocks at Ferrers Close which need improving and the preferred option is to demolish the towers and replace them with housing that is better insulated, modern and more energy efficient.

The feedback we receive from customers will be presented to our Board in March ahead of a decision being made.

Our Director of Regeneration Kevin Roach said: “We are committed to investing and improving our homes to a good quality and that they are safe, warm and energy efficient for our customers to live in.

“We know that homes in these blocks can be difficult to heat and the insulation to the properties needs to be improved. We are also aware some rooms are too small and can’t accommodate modern facilities. The environment, car parking and roads around the blocks are also in a poor condition and in need of investment.

“We’ve estimated the cost to carry out the improvements, and we believe that the significant level of investment required is not value for money or best use of resources. Therefore, after much consideration, our preferred option is to rehouse customers and demolish all three blocks. While this is our preferred option, it is important that we take customers’ views into account when we report our recommendations to Citizen’s Board.”

If the Board approves the demolition, a planning application would be submitted. A phased rehousing programme for our customers will then start in summer 2023 and take up to two years to complete.

We are committed to supporting our customers through this scheme and we will be visiting every customer living in the blocks over the coming weeks to hear their feedback on the proposals.

For media enquiries contact our Communications Team.

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