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We’ve partnered with the Emmaus charity to help homeless people in Coventry

We are working with the Emmaus Coventry and Warwickshire charity to help people who have found themselves homeless.

The charity recently approached us as they have a community in Coventry providing housing and work for homeless people.

Emmaus develop social enterprises that provide jobs for homeless people to help fund the charity. They also have a charity shop in Red Lane, Foleshill, Coventry, selling recycled furniture.

We will be supporting the charity by connecting our customers and staff and offering nominations from the charity a permanent home.

We are also investigating if we can develop a furniture offer for new customers through their charity shop.

Our Director of Housing Peter Gill said: “This will be a new partnership for Citizen and another great example of our social investment in our communities. While we have been aware of Emmaus we haven’t until recently met with them to discuss how we can help.

“The work Emmaus are doing has clear links to our looking out for our citizens business strategy pledge and our objective to improve support services and tackle homelessness. This initiative providing affordable furniture to our customers and providing permanent homes fits well with our objectives.”

The charity is also looking for volunteers to become trustees to help and support their work. One of our Board members, Sue Brooksbank-Taylor is already a trustee of Emmaus.

Peter added: “All charities need expertise and skills to help them thrive. This could be housing management, homelessness, development, knowledge of repairs and technical skills, welfare rights as well as finance and strategic skills.

“Working as a trustee as well as being rewarding and contributing to your community can also provide you with transferable skills to use in your career.

“I would encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a trustee to get in touch with the charity.”

For media enquiries contact our Communications Team.

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